Emma Watson takes the lead role in the highly anticipated and critically acclaimed live action remake of the classic animated film Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.” This handcrafted design shows Belle in her yellow gown. “Live Action Belle Cinematic Moment” from the Disney Showcase collection Cinematic Moments line celebrates Disney’s live action adaptations. Captures Emma Watson as Belle from Disney’s “Beauty in the Beast” in vibrant hand-painted detail
The Disney Showcase Collection captures the magic of favorite Disney characters, and brings them to life for collectors. These unique figurine collections feature Disney princesses, villains, Classic Disney and Pixar characters as never seen before.
DISNEY COLLECTORS - Love the combination of classic Disney characters with elevated fashion elements
INTRICATE DETAILS - Opalescent Paint and faux gem stone embellish the characters
HAND MADE - Hand-Painted and Hand CraftedSIZE: 8.5" H