In this enchanting Disney Traditions White Woodland piece, Belle confides in her sheep friends who gather close to hear every spellbinding word. Reimagined by acclaimed folk artist Jim Shore, Belle's signature style is updated with creamy, classic neutrals as well as blue rosemaling patterns that perfectly match the ornate design on her sheep friends. In one arm she holds her wicker basket and in the other she balances her favorite book. She softly smiles, her expression warm and affectionate as she imagines escaping her provincial life for one of adventure, away from the crowded townsquare she knows all too well. Daydream away with this imaginative, brave heroine adding an elegant touch to your Disney collection. Name "Bookish Beauty"
Artist Jim Shore's collectibles tell stories through his unique detailed artistry and craftsmanship, helping gift-givers share a special bond and emotional connection with friend or family. His designs are inspired by the time honored motifs of folk art and quilting.
JIM SHORE - an award winning artist with unmistakable style that combines a diverse color palette with timeless design drawn from images of American and European folk-art form TIMELESS- love the combination of beloved icons in themes of tradition, family and love of our country INTRICATE DETAILS- featuring elements of patch work quilting, rosemaling and tole paintingHAND MADE - hand-painted and crafted from high-quality stone resinSIZE: 8.3 in